Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Dream website....

 If you could make your own website what kind of website  would it be? If i could make my own website i would make an virtual world. My virtual world would be FREE!!!! Some virtual worlds you have pay for to get special offers or good things. I HATE  when I go to vitual world where you have to pay real money to buy your avater simple clothes. I will make a world wear you have to earn your money and use it to buy fashion or desirable things.
    I will update the virtual world every week. They would have their own house and pets and pools and mansions all they would have to do is earn their money. THey would have so much fun that they would be on 24/7. It's available to everyone all around the world. They would be able to do a lot of things play, chat, and have fun. They would be very fun that I couldnt even explain it.
     The website name would be called " Virtual Me"  You could do any thing. 

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