Thursday, December 22, 2011

ninth ward vocably

fortitude quantity suspension bridge unfathmoable exasperated anxious    


Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Last night i told my mom and my dad about this amazing pizza place called bassis the slices of pizza are bigger than this computer screen the pizza was so good the slices of pizza were almost as good as pizza hut my old favorite pizza place was pizza hut but bassis was the best slices of pizza i have ever tasted i cant wait to go their again .

See full size image


a new wesbite

                                                                 A NEW WEBSITE

                                          IF i had a new website i will post cakes. The cakes will have lots of decorations. And  strawberry's.    
                           here you go

A new website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                     If I had a new website

                If I had a website it would be about best friends.You could test your best friend to see what you have in common.If I had a new website it would be about your best friends favortive food and what kind it would be.                   



If I had One Hundred Dollars

If I had one hundred dollars I would spend it on the homeless,charity, and St.Jude because they need  money to pay for what they need because Iwould love to help them♥♥.


game - public - /

If  i had my own  wedsite it would be a bout  games  the   name  is    www.   gamepublilc       a   whi    have    a     all   of   games    and      all game  it  is fun                                                                                                                             rp                                                            

A new website

If I had a new website I would be happy! I would be happy because I would be able to see the nice comments that people leave on my website. My website would be . It would be for girls only. You would be able to shop,chat and have FUN!!!!!


If I had a hundred dollars.

I would buy a red ruby for my mom, because I want her to be happy for me. food too for money. Coats and other things.
I would  give away some food to the people who don't have any. The people would starve if they don't have food.
I would also Invest for a cancer project. Giving things for cancer. People with cancer will sometimes die.

If had a hundred dollars

If I had a hundred dollars I would spend it on charity and homeless people.If I had some money left I would buy my self something or if i had kids at the time I would buy my children something.I would be glad to help anybody if I had enough money.

by M.B.

If I had a hundred dollars

If I had one hundred dollars I would gom shopping.I would buy an xbox Kinect. It cost one hundred dollars I know I would go to target on black Friday to get the xbox Kinect I would go on black Friday because it is  cheaper


go to:



If Had A Hundred DOLLARS

If I had one hundred dollars I would invest it in the Bank. I would invest it because then I would get more money back from the ATM. I would buy 20 games, 25 movies, big Lincoln Navigator, 30 toy cars , and 20 books. Because all these objects are my favorite things to play with, watch , and read.

I would buy 20 games. Because I have so many games that I want to get. I would get 25 movies because I really like to watch television and movies. I  would get a big Lincoln Navigator because my other one broke.

I would buy 30 toy cars. Because my car collection has dropped to 25 cars. I would 20 books because I really like reading fiction books. I would buy all these things because I like all these things very much.                          


If Had A Hundred DOLLARS

If I had one hundred dollars I would invest it in the Bank. I would invest it because then I would get more money back from the ATM. I would buy 20 games, 25 movies, big Lincoln Navigator, 30 toy cars , and 20 books. Because all these objects are my favorite things to play with, watch , and read.

I would buy 20 games. Because I have so many games that I want to get. I would get 25 movies because I really like to watch television and movies. I  would get a big Lincoln Navigator because my other one broke.

I would buy 30 toy cars. Because my car collection has dropped to 25 cars. I would 20 books because I really like reading fiction books. I would buy all these things because I like all these things very much.

A New Website

If I had a website it would be so amazing. I would have something for kids. Like games and toys online but you would have to type in your email for parent  approval to that object. My website would be called but you're going to type just for me.  Comment if  you think it's a good idea!
My dream website

My dream website would be called On there you could create your avatar and...GO WILD!!This would be a virtual world for children 11 and up who can party chat and whatnot.I chose this stopic because I really like playing computer games.Also on you can make friends from different nationalities and have fun.Membership is free and so is the sign up. If you have any problems with your password will email you your password in just 14-15 seconds!This website is bad behavior free which means all rude or disruptive behavior will be blocked quickly so what are you waiting for...sign up TODAY!



if i had a hundred dollars for the website i would
use that money to update the site and make cool stuff to it like mini games and
learning games and info .


if i made a website I would

                   If  I made a website I would make it about fashion.  I would make different cloths on the games.  It would have do it you self cloths.  My  website would be called Me + Fashion.  I think a person who is  interested in  being  a designer or a person who likes to be creative. I choose this topic because when I grow up I want to be a designer. So I want everyone to be able to experience  designing world.

by N.M.

Bears On Losing Streak

Bears lose to the seahawks last sunday.They have lost 5 in a row.Now it is questionable if they go to the playoffs or not.If they lose there next game then it will be clear that they are not going to the playoffs.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A New Website

My website would be MALIAH'S holiday special and you can buy all the gift you want for all of your children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Every one would love it.All ages are allowed to play with all of the toys even toddlers.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@maliah's holiday special


My Dream website....

 If you could make your own website what kind of website  would it be? If i could make my own website i would make an virtual world. My virtual world would be FREE!!!! Some virtual worlds you have pay for to get special offers or good things. I HATE  when I go to vitual world where you have to pay real money to buy your avater simple clothes. I will make a world wear you have to earn your money and use it to buy fashion or desirable things.
    I will update the virtual world every week. They would have their own house and pets and pools and mansions all they would have to do is earn their money. THey would have so much fun that they would be on 24/7. It's available to everyone all around the world. They would be able to do a lot of things play, chat, and have fun. They would be very fun that I couldnt even explain it.
     The website name would be called " Virtual Me"  You could do any thing. 

If ihad a hundred dollars

     I chose this topic because if i had a hundred dollar it would be the best thing. I would love it. I would go shoping and get my hair done and nails. I would also pitch in a little for kids charity. Or what ever i can do with one hundred dollars. I would also help people.               
           why i chose this because i would like to help and get me things at the same time i want to get people things because when i want things i no that other people that dont have would like thing wants it to and if i have money that would make me selfish i dont want to be!
        when i give its already a gift for me it likes having toys and  giving them away thats what  i do it just me not being mean just being me i no wrong from right.

new website thoughts

what i thought about is a new website that 
where we vote on the book that we want for a school book 
like out of my mind and ninth ward . ms watkins choose an amount of books 4 or more and 
the students vote which book looks interesting  and fun 
and what they like for the school year book.


A New Website

My Website will be Laila'sHolidaySeason or Laila'sWorld.Laila'sHolidaySeason is about Seasons and  what the facts are about them!!!My other website is about little avatars and you can make an account  and you can make an avatar!!!!All people will enjoy this because its for ALL ages including Parents,Teachers,Teenagers,Children and Seniors.




if  i had a hundred  dollars,   i   would go shopping.  I would  buy  3 snapp back hat  1 pair of  chuck taylor  shoes then  i would  go to the store  to buy  so me  nachos  next would go to buy                      mc donlds   a  large french fry.                                                                 r.p

If had a hundred dollars

If  I had a hundred dollars I would give some money to my mom and sister
I would split it with all of us. Then I would go to game stop and buy me a new
game for my psp. Then I would send some money to the dog shellter.
I  would be as nice and giving as Ican. And if Ihave enough  I will  buy me a hole lot of
Thank you by n.g.   In room 213

If i had a hundred dollars!!!!!

                                                          If I had 100 dollars I would spend it on???
 I would get new clothes and new shoes. I would get me my  favorite kind of food. If I had a hundred dollars I would buy my self a new phone like the i phone 4.Also I would buy any thing int he world but it is not like  a million dollars. By: I.M.P



A New Website

I choose a website, because I want to talk about what I know and think. Websites are things that talks about a subject.
I like websites. I want to have messages and games. I want people to make commets.
I want people like my friends to like it. T.P

If I had hundred dollars i would?

                 If I had 100 dollars I would  shop alot and maybe give money to cherities.  And help people
                 as in people on the streets.Give some to my mama.  If I have my own shop I will use some of that
                  money to give to  my employess and to pay my morgage.  Also, I will  pay my rent . I will put
                 some of that in my bank. Get something to eat, Go to a hotel for 8 days and get the pool eat some chocalte chip pancakes.

              Why would i do this. Because I care about myself and not only me my family. Also i will think about
                everyday what i will do when i grow up. Because I just cant run out on the street when i just
                finished school and not do anything and with my self and take avantage of everything i learned.
           In conclusion I will give money to cherrites and give money to my mama  and to my future fashion store and everything else i said.

if i had a hundred dollars.

if i  had a 100 dollars  i would by shoes get my nails done.     I would give half of it to charity and give some to my mom and save the rest in my bank acount

If I had $100 dollars?


If I had $100 I would I would invest it towards buying a car. I would save every dollar I have and contribute that to the $100 I already have. I would invest my money towards a car because I know that my parents are going to make me buy my own car they wouldn't buy one for me. It is always okay to start saving money so you can spend it wisely when you grow up.

            I want to buy a glamorous car when I grow up but to have that you have to have the money. I intend on saving my money now because as soon as I get my drivers license I will go buy a car. I always wanted  car of my own and I want to make that dream happen.

             I would invest my money towards a car. This is what I would do with a $100.

By: BM

new Website

If I could put up my own website it would be called James I chose this topic because I have always wanted my own website.It would have games like NBA 2k11 NBA 2k12 , Mario Kart Wii, and Mario Kart 7.

I think Tyree, Marcus, Samuel,Myles, Osiris, Tyson,Raiford,and Gerald would get on my site. I think Tyree would get on my site because he likes Computer Games a lot. I think Marcus would get on my site because he likes sport Video Games.

I think Samuel will get on my site . Because he has an Email address on G mail. I think Christopher will go on my site because he likes Video Games A LOT.                   J.S

If i had a hundred dollars

If i had A HUNDRED DOLLARS I would get me some new Jordan and Air Jordan's
i would buy a laptop a iPad 1 and 2 all the i phones a new game for my x box  a limo

I would also build a homeless shelter  i would first give them clothes and food then after at least a month i will try to get them a new house by my homeless shelter i will do this because sharing is caring and if i was homeless i would want someone to build a shelter that i can live in

Last but not least i would  get my own website  i could HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
its a website that allow people to say funny jokes funny questions and funny videos every month i would choose winner for best video answers   

IF I HAD A $100

What I would do with $100 is buy a bluray player for my mom and dad.Then I will buy a snap backand some gym shoes.Then I will buy alot of video game and help people who need help.

by K.J.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Retailers to step up to offer free shipping.

What:  A record 92.5 percent of on line retailers will offer free shipping this holiday season. In 2011
Where:  Across the u.s.
Why:  According to a survey, 36% of shoppers spent more money shopping online.

This will benefit shoppers across the United States.

by N.G.

Da Bulls

who was in involved: Derrick Rose
what happend: pointed in right directions
when did it happend:last december
where did it happend:nba
why did it happend:his stanma
how did it happend his coch
 By Swagger On The Roof

freshman from chicago!!

  • ballballers                lame scored  14 pont and his 3  pont  and   jump   r.p        

Reporter lists vintage Lincoln Park Condo

Former WFLD-Ch32  special products reporter Mark Saxnmeyer,who left the station in December 2010 in 17 years and now lives in Minnesota,has listed  his two-bedroom condo unit in Lincoln Park for $339,000.Saxenmeyer,45,recently joined KSTP-Tv in St.Paul as a reporter.


Teens Safe Driving 101

I read a article that talks about how teens are getting in accidents. They are getting in accidents anytime in the Unided States. They are getting in accidents because tey are not paying attention while they are driving, While they are driving they are, on their phones texting or talking, eating food, drunk driving or are drinking,eating foor, puting on makeup ,or not paying attention by listining to their ipods

New movies

             Their are some new movies out they are called Hugo and Alvin and the chipmunks chipwrecked.
            Hugo is about a orphan who becomes a hero later.  This happen in Paris.   Some people who saw
            the movie said that it was really funny. Now in Alvin and the Chipmunks...  what happened was
            that Alvin and his friends got lost and  got to a island that they never seen before.   Some people who saw it said that It was a form of flattery.  I going to see both of those movies.


teen safe driving 101

I read this article about teen safe driving while teens drive did you no that they break laws. They text talk eat and drink while driving. They get in accidents and dont pay attention to the road. I
f you dont pay attention it may cost you your LIFE. so stay SAFE and pay attention.


Erie Neighborhood House Opens New Doors For Kids ( Helping Families In Need)

Today I read about helping families in need, in other words helping children. The people who were involed were the children and the Erie House Association. On a recent November,What is going on with Erie House is a dozen of children from latino families were huddled around craft tables inside Erie House, spending Time after school working with voleentered tutors, that help them improve with their reading. This all is happening because Eries House is Associating with children/families who need help.! It doesn't say how it happened but mark my word,they're egaer to learn.                                                                                                                                

Good deeds can lead to good deals

Today i read an article about how  Good deeds can lead to good deals. The company VolunteerIDcard  gives rewards to card-carrying volunteers with travel and shopping discounts. This company was launched in 2009. To apply you have to volunteer for example: donate money. Apply on The founder says" 90% recieve their cards from volunteer organization.Try it out!!   
                    _ LB_

Chicago Weather Center

I am doing a article about Chicago Weather. They publish this imformation weekly to tell us about the weekly weather and weather fact.

cookingin Barcelona!!!

                                                              Cooking in Barcelona!!
                                       This cuina (Catalan name for cooking) has Phoenicians roots, Greek and Roman. This is a tasty cooking, which does not fear to mix sweetened and salty, honey, cinnamon, almonds, pinions, and dry fruits. Pork-butchery (embotits) is rough and vigorous, like its botifarra a black roll prepared with pig meat mixed with blood, its serran ham or its fuet.

Tapas's time in Barcelona!!                                           Drniks
The orxata ( pronounced "ortxata"), is one of the most refreshing drinks. It is manufactured with the juice of chufa a kind of papyrus which grow at the banks of the Guadalquivir.
  We can also find the granizado : orange or lemon juice, or coffee with crushed ice in large centrifugal machines. Sweetened, frozen and not expensive.
  In the plain of Lleida, you can find a drink called drink of the poor (beguda de pobre), made from oranges, anise and sugar. It is surprising.                                                                   By:I.M.P

cooking in barclona


HAVE YOU SEEN A BOO DOG!!!!!!?????!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a dog called "boo dog". This pup is hard to ignore because of it's good looks.
What type of dog is Boo?
While some say Boo looks like a Teddy Bear, he is actually a Pomeranian
with a unique hair cut.
How old is Boo?
He is five years old.
Who is Boo's best friend?
"My best pal is Buddy, another Pomeranian who lives with me."
What is Boo's favorite thing to do?
It's a tie between lounging around the house and playing follow the
leader with Buddy. (He is always the leader)
Does Boo think he is a little human or is he happy to be a dog?
"I love being a dog and playing with other dogs, but I also like to get
dressed up and hang out with my human friends."
Does Boo like to travel?
Boo enjoys going on fun trips and has been to New York, Chicago, and
Los Angeles. He jumps right into his carrier without needing to be asked.
Does Boo like music? What type?
He likes all kinds of music, but prefers songs that go light on the drums.
They scare him.
Does Boo have any favorite charities?
He is a fan of
$5,000 for the charity. Boo loves kids and loves smiling, so it's a
perfect fit.
Operation Smile. For his 5th birthday his fans raised over
Does Boo get fan mail?
Most fans leave messages for Boo on his Facebook page.
He likes to read the messages after dinner.
What is Boo’s favorite TV show?
"It doesn't matter who is playing in the Super Bowl, as long as
the Puppy Bowl is on at halftime."

Boo Facts

Warm wlecome back at Garfields fern room

The rooms of the 100-year-old conservatory that are open to the public sustained minimal damage during the storms because they were fitted with shatter-resistant glass during renovations in recent years, Chicago Park District officials said in a news release.


brain damaged magcian

I read an artical about a man that has brain damage. It happened during his childhood. One day he practiced magic because he loved it so much.  magic makes his brain damage disappear. 


Chicago Weather

This week,Chicago is going to get very cold.There will be a chance of snow.  I got my information from the Chicago weather center newspaper section. It is published each week in the Chicago Tribune.

teanagers are getting distracted wile driving becaese they are eithir on their cell phones or putting on make up we need to stop this drama please agree with me .

WGN 9 news

WGN 9 news a like ABC 7. it is a news channel that give s you updates about what the world is going on like. it goes from drama to life to violence.i think this is a way of informing. please leave a comment for your thoughts!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

sign up now!

I LOVE this group called MINDLESS BEHAVIOR and i want to start a dance singing thing  like them should  i have auditions so i can know who wants to be in the group but ALL GIRLS i would love if we can get discovered.

Weatherize your vehicle

Is your car or truck up to challenge of driving inclement weather?No matter what of the country you live in,whether Snow Belt or Sun Belt,now is the time to make sure it's ready for the oslaught.Here's what you should check:

Tires:People ignore there tires until one goes flat.But nothing else affects your car as much as a unflated tire.Cold weather causes tires to lose air pressure,so it's a good idea to check.Also tire can be unflated by poking it with a sharp tip.When you have a tire boken go to your local gas to pump your tire,and pump it real good.The proper amount is not listed on the tire;it's posted on the driver's side front door jamb on most newer trucks and cars.

Battery:As the temperature drops,more juiceis required to get your car or truck started each morning.Replacing your battery ahead of time is benefical in two ways:you can expect three years of trouble-free charging♣.LL





How To Renew Winter Wardrobe On The Cheap

Changing your winter wardrobe can be easy! All you have to do is think about where you wanna shop. Macys, Carsons, J.C Penny, Kohls, Burlington Coat Factory, and more. The answer angel recommends that you should go on you budget. Say for instance you only can afford $300 worth of winter stuff and yo want to go to J.C Penny. You'll get a coat that cost $89, Boots that cost $49.99, and a hat and scarf hat set that cost 19.99 and your total adds up to $158.98. and you'll have $141.02 left. Now if you go to Burlington Coat factory you'll get Two coats for $100.00, A pair of boots for $70.00 and a hat and scarf and glove set for 7.99 and it all equals $177.99 and you'll have $122.71 left for your Christmas shopping. Think about it! Renewing your wardrobe can be cheap and affordable and you can also have what you want on your budget!              ~D.H~

Creating Characters

1st: hit ALT
2nd:hold alt and push any number on the keypad (located on the right side of the key board)
3rd: you canhold alt and click a number on the key pad more than once.



Night - driving tips to help you keep an eye on saftey

I read a news papper artical about  Night - driving tips to help you keep an eye on saftey while you are driving the artical where telling people about how you should keep an eye on the road when you are driving I think the people are right about how you should always keep an eye on the road when you are driving . im preety sure there are so manty car crashes in the world right now as we speak like right now a song on the radio is playing that reminds someone of a bad moment that has hapened in their life and when they turn the station that song is on every station and i think that is how most car crashes hapened in alot of peoples lives. I thnk when people drive past a car crash tthey dont even thin about that pearson who was in that car crash . Well i want to send out a litrtle message to the people who dont thin k about people in that car crash you should think about that person that was insider of tghat car when it co hit because that might be you one day not paying attention to the road one day you might run over an animal in the road now that i am finish typing about what i think about paying attention to the road heres a massege


I think that yoga blocks can help you with your  balance.  In fact,  here is a picture of the blocks.

I read a nws paper article about yoga blocks and it is a useful thing for people who likes yoga. this material is a helpful thing for young and old.

Twilight breaking dawn part1

                                       Last week I saw the movie Breaking Dawn
                           Who:   Bella, Edward, and Jacob
                          what: The Quileute's close in on expecting parents Edward and Bella, whose unborn
child poses a threat to the Wolf Pack and the towns people of Forks.

by: I.M.P.

new look like the old

  • offense still will stress running game with  Hanie at helm
  • Caleb Hanie  hands off  to MATT FORTE in the bears, 23-6  and the bears win  the  game,

by R.P.

You could win a family vaction filled with action, thrills & excitement

I read a newspaper article about universal studios in orlanda,florida there is a contest going on for a free trip.

Wisconsin Dells Coupons

                                              by M.B.                     

joffrey's nutcracker feat

Like santas elves people are working to meet there dead line tucked into a little room stiching and sewing in joffery's tower at state of randolph street. It takes alot of work to stich and  sew when you enjoy it, it's not that hard.                                                                                                               

Role of Islam in politics at crossroads in Egypt

who: Islams
What: Islams are marching
Where: in Egypt
Why: they do not like what is going on with the politics
How:they heard about the politics

Glorious garden to grow in glass

Terrariums need to be spaced out, and also they require minimal care. The glorious glass gardens take just a few minutes to assemble. I read a newspaper article about how to build a terrarium. By:TP

A 1940's how-to

The 1940's might be old but they have some unique things. For example, the hair styles they have. They are very vintage and very simple. 
      * wash your hair and make an classic look. Use Elnette Hairspray to touch up your hair. During  a fashion show they try to create and bring back vintage and simple hair styles from the fourties.
 What do you think about this? _       
                                                - L.B

A Christmas Carol

In the Chicago Tribune, they have advertised that the play called"A Christmas Carol" is going to be playing at the GoodMan Theatre. The play "A Christmas Carol" was adapted by Tom Creamer and directed by Steve Scott but was originally made by Charles Dickens.The 30th anniversary production of this timeless holiday tradition at the Goodman celebrates the yuletide season by infusing Charles Dickens' classic tale with a little bit of magic, as only the Goodman can. From flying ghosts to a quiet little boy and his crutch, A Christmas Carol is filled with enough singing, dancing and enchantment to rejuvenate even the most disheartened of spirits. GREAT SEATS STILL AVAILABLE!!!!!!


Happy Feet Two


The movie Happy Feet Two was a wonderful movie I watched in 3D. It is about how Mumble and his son saved the penguin nation by dancing. The movie really shows that you can accomplish anything as long as you work together as a team. It is still playing in theaters. The movie is very inspiring and it teaches a life lesson worth learning. I absolutely loved the movie H appy Feet Two. With inspiration and determination you can do anything no matter how big the challenge is. 

By: B.M. 

Fashionistas News

     In  the ChicagoTribune two young designers won $100,000  for winning a contest.   Congradulations to them.        N.M

Baby Gorilla Dies At 9 Days Old

who: Baby gorilla dies

where: At Lincon Park Zoo

why: It"s uncler what happen

when: Last week

what:Baby gorilla dies

Sunday, November 27, 2011

What I Am Eating For Dinner

What I Am Eating For Dinner Is Dressing,Greens,Mac&Cheese,Chicken,Sweet Potatoes, An That Is It For Me


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What I Am Doing At This Time

What I am doing at this time is sayin  hi to media club and to Ms.G just stoping by to say hello to DJ and that is what I am doing at this time i am typing this sentence to media club+ms.g so when you guys see me in media club please just stop by to say hello to me and to see how I am doing on TUESDAY please and thankyou media club.


please go to

no spaces please

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What is Geocaching?

Geocaching is a real-world outdoor treasure hunting game. Players try to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, using GPS-enabled devices and then share their experiences online.
Read more about it here


my favorites

Some of my favorite things to do are
  •   play football    and    listen to musc    go to the ymca  and    play  video games

by RP

geocaching is.........

I found out that geocaching is a game that is played outdoors with gps devices.
Geocaching is a real-world outdoor treasure hunting game. Players try to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, using GPS-enabled devices and then share their experiences online.



  • E-mail this Term
Short for graphics (or graphical) blog, glog is the name used to describe a publicly accessible graphical blog. A person or organization's glog is actually an interactive multimedia image that looks similar to a poster, but readers of a glog are able to interact with the content.

what a glog is

A glog is  person or organization's glog is actually an interactive multimedia image that looks similar to a
 , but readers of a glog are able to interact with the content.                

What is Geocaching ?

Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location. I think geochacing may be fun because your looking for something using an GPS system.

What Is Glog

A glog is an interactive poster.  We can use it to create posters for school.

by JP

How can an ipad help me in school!!!

  • Tons of books at my fingertips. Haven't yet looked into whether my textbooks might be available, but certainly other related nonfiction books would be.
  •   an ipad can help u when it comes to books like 3text books!!! ipads are the greatest thinhg ever!! I.M.P

What is Power Point?

                                                                 POWER POINT

Power Point can let you create dynamic presentations for school, and for work. It creates slide shows and videos. You can include animation on Power Point. Broadcast your slide show to people in other locations, whether or not they have PowerPoint installed. Power Point is very helpful in many ways.

By: BM

How can a ipad help you in school

              For one  kids dont have to carry those heavy books.                                                                   
              I  agree with that because even if you have them on your back in your bookbag it can cause alot of damage on your back                                                                                


What is PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is software that can help you create slide shows. PowerPoint is also a presentation software program that is part of the Microsoft Office package. You can also use the Powerpoint program for creating presentations.


What Is Glog

Short for graphics (or graphical) blog, glog is the name used to describe a publicly accessible graphical blog. A person or organization's glog is actually an interactive multimedia image that looks similar to a poster, but readers of a glog are able to interact with the content.

What is Power-Point?

Power-point is a program powered  by windowscomputer wherwe you ca make a slide show customizing it to your needs.

Today in Media Club...

  1. Everyone will pick a topic from the bucket to blog about
    • PowerPoint
    • Geocaching
    • Glog
This is how you add a picture and a hyperlink

Saturday, November 19, 2011

my weekend

my weekend was so fun because i went downtown and to D&B so that is what i wanted to tell u about my weekend                                                                                                                                     from:JP    To:MEDIA CLUB+MS.G

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2 Burger Restaurants to Visit

M Burger

Epic Burger

Golden Corral

I like Golden Corral. I like the food. Some of it. It is at Bolingbrook

My birthday

I am soooo happy that my birthday is tomorrow(November 16). I can't wait because it is going to be my 12th birthday which means I will finally be a pre-teen. I already know what kind of cake I am getting, I am getting a COOKIE MONSTER cake. I LOVE COOKIE MONSTER!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW!


report card pickup

i cant wait till report card pickup because i have good grades.....Hello Honor Roll


My dance recital!!!!!

                                             my dance recital!!!    IMP

My b-day

                    Im getting ready for my b-day .  Im going  to have cake and icecream with my family and celebrate   thansgiving. See you later turkey.
See full size image

nba 2k11

NBA 2k11 is the coolest video game ever.Because you can play a season mode and the playoffs from th year of 2010.My favorite player on NBA 2k11 is Lebron James because he can dunk and he can close games out in the playoffs. My favorite team on NBA 2k11 is the Miami Heat because they got 3 superstars and those 3 superstars can close in a clse seaon game or a close playoff game. The last reason I like the Miami Heat is because they won their first NBA championship in the year of 2006.                    J.S



Report Card Pick up

Report card pick- up is tomorrow I'm so happy because I know what I got for report card. I think in order for every one to get straight a"s is just paying attention and doing your work. I know school may be boring but you have to take it seriously. That's all I have to say.

graded paper

Do you have any suggestions of how to do better in school?Leave a comment or suggestion about this!


This was a good game the bears turnout to be    having a great season          K.J

Today in Media Club

We discussed the proper web address for our blog.  We also discussed the contents of our blog.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Doubble douch was so fun this week with ms. Scott i just need to learn how to stay in the middle insted of running out of the middle when im double douchings and i have to learn how to jump in and pick my legs up higher when i get inside of the rope so i wont steP on the rope and miss one of my turns and i also cant wat until media club with ms gram because i love blonging and seeing my friend jp but i need my flash drive by next week because i forgot to bring in my flash drive last week well thats all i have to talk about now so by

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

bull'sstair master

              He is a preson that is tranting and is on the baskballteam!  byI.p

Bull Stair Master

Ronnie Brewer will participate in the Rehabiliation Institute of Chicago's Skyrise Chicago which is known for having the tallest indoor staircase. Brewer climbed 103 floors and 2,500 steps in the one and only Willis Tower.What a challenge. Brewer is a fighter.

See full size image

   Ronnie Brewer  decided to do a contest in the Willis tower.Because of the lockout,
   wish him good luck.


tired of the lockout

Ronnie Brewer is getting tired of the lock out so he is working hard

Bull stair master!!!!!!

Bull's player Ronnie Brewer  stair master is will be participating in the                          Rehablition Institute of Chicago's ShyRise Chicago.                                                                             ( A climb)  He will climb up the stair case of the Sears tower( willis tower)  