Tuesday, December 13, 2011

If I had hundred dollars i would?

                 If I had 100 dollars I would  shop alot and maybe give money to cherities.  And help people
                 as in people on the streets.Give some to my mama.  If I have my own shop I will use some of that
                  money to give to  my employess and to pay my morgage.  Also, I will  pay my rent . I will put
                 some of that in my bank. Get something to eat, Go to a hotel for 8 days and get the pool eat some chocalte chip pancakes.

              Why would i do this. Because I care about myself and not only me my family. Also i will think about
                everyday what i will do when i grow up. Because I just cant run out on the street when i just
                finished school and not do anything and with my self and take avantage of everything i learned.
           In conclusion I will give money to cherrites and give money to my mama  and to my future fashion store and everything else i said.

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