Tuesday, December 20, 2011

If Had A Hundred DOLLARS

If I had one hundred dollars I would invest it in the Bank. I would invest it because then I would get more money back from the ATM. I would buy 20 games, 25 movies, big Lincoln Navigator, 30 toy cars , and 20 books. Because all these objects are my favorite things to play with, watch , and read.

I would buy 20 games. Because I have so many games that I want to get. I would get 25 movies because I really like to watch television and movies. I  would get a big Lincoln Navigator because my other one broke.

I would buy 30 toy cars. Because my car collection has dropped to 25 cars. I would 20 books because I really like reading fiction books. I would buy all these things because I like all these things very much.                          


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