Tuesday, December 6, 2011

cookingin Barcelona!!!

                                                              Cooking in Barcelona!!
                                       This cuina (Catalan name for cooking) has Phoenicians roots, Greek and Roman. This is a tasty cooking, which does not fear to mix sweetened and salty, honey, cinnamon, almonds, pinions, and dry fruits. Pork-butchery (embotits) is rough and vigorous, like its botifarra a black roll prepared with pig meat mixed with blood, its serran ham or its fuet.

Tapas's time in Barcelona!!                                           Drniks
The orxata ( pronounced "ortxata"), is one of the most refreshing drinks. It is manufactured with the juice of chufa a kind of papyrus which grow at the banks of the Guadalquivir.
  We can also find the granizado : orange or lemon juice, or coffee with crushed ice in large centrifugal machines. Sweetened, frozen and not expensive.
  In the plain of Lleida, you can find a drink called drink of the poor (beguda de pobre), made from oranges, anise and sugar. It is surprising.                                                                   By:I.M.P

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