Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Night - driving tips to help you keep an eye on saftey

I read a news papper artical about  Night - driving tips to help you keep an eye on saftey while you are driving the artical where telling people about how you should keep an eye on the road when you are driving I think the people are right about how you should always keep an eye on the road when you are driving . im preety sure there are so manty car crashes in the world right now as we speak like right now a song on the radio is playing that reminds someone of a bad moment that has hapened in their life and when they turn the station that song is on every station and i think that is how most car crashes hapened in alot of peoples lives. I thnk when people drive past a car crash tthey dont even thin about that pearson who was in that car crash . Well i want to send out a litrtle message to the people who dont thin k about people in that car crash you should think about that person that was insider of tghat car when it co hit because that might be you one day not paying attention to the road one day you might run over an animal in the road now that i am finish typing about what i think about paying attention to the road heres a massege

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