Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Preparing for our SHOWCASE

We've been meeting since October 2010.  What have you learned?  What does media mean to you?  Reply as a post!


  1. ive learned how to use a powerpoint and about blog. media club is the best afterschool that i have ever went to and i really love media club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. when i think of media club i think of computers and fun and i just feels like a family i feel good when i am in a room with so many nice people i will never forget what the people im in media club with


  3. Media club means a lot to me because I leared a lot and it is fun. I have lots of fun with my friends at the same time. In media club, I learned how to create a blog, post cooments to a blog, and post pictures to a blog. I learned how to create a slide show using powerPOINT. I also leard to make a glog. I made a glog about friv.

  4. I have learned alot in Media club. It's a fun program. We learned how to use powerpoint more, I learned how to make a blog. I also learned about alot of inventors and make blog and/or powerpoint on them. Media Club is a fun and talenting after school program B-)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By: S.R.

  5. Ok, Ms. Graham! I have made a book about ruby bridges in PowerPoint. Did you no that ruby is still alive! She is 52
